
Why a blog from me, someone who has never been a writer, someone who has never been articulate or had a solid grasp of the grammar world. Because God told me to write. Several years ago a life storm invaded my family. God kept telling me to write it all down. I argued, but He would not let up. This went on every day for a couple of weeks until one day out of frustration, (I'd like to say it was out of obedience), I picked up a pen and paper and wrote for 7 hours straight! Do you think maybe I needed therapy and God knew it?

I've been writing ever since and have learned to love it! I started out sharing my stories with friends and family. I've now been published in a Nashville church paper, Our Daily Journey (a devotional site of RBC Ministries), PCCWeb Daily Devotional, Ruby for Women Ezine Magazine, and I am a contributor in the book Alabaster Jars, Life in Abundance Collection 2.

Why Ponderings? During this life storm, God led me to a pond in the woods behind my home. There He met me each time, teaching new lessons, reminding me of old ones, showing His presence and allowing me to feel His love through the surroundings of that pond. I found myself returning over and over to ponder, pray and praise. A healing of my heart took place and out of the experience came my first book, Ponderings From the Pond, then a second book, Ponderings From My Porch, and now a third book is in the works along with a memoir about my storm.

Why am I making myself so vulnerable? Because God has done so much that I cannot keep quiet. I have to share. Jesus's last words to his desciples were, "Go,tell." We are his disciples too and this is just one of my ways of telling.

I'm no scholar but I have heard God's voice in my spirit, experience His love daily, and have a desire for others to experience this also. I would love to share with all who visit and I would love to hear from you. If my sharing gets just one to ponder, to be quiet with the Father, to see and hear from Him or to be reminded of something from Him, then this is worth my vulnerability.

As you visit me, sometimes we will be at the pond, sometimes we will move to the front porch, and sometimes we will just be here, there, and yonder. Thank you for coming and please feel free to come back anytime, you are always welcome here.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14


My first book, Ya Know What I'm Say'n, has been released.



Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Quiet Love

Sshhh. . .read this in your mind as a whisper. . .ssshhh. . .

My brother is nine years older than me, my sister 5 years older. Yep, that makes me the baby. The three of us are different from each other in many ways, yet we have one thing in common. We are people of few words. None of us are big talkers, yet we show our love in quiet ways.
When I was little, our parents divorced. My sister and I stayed with mom. We had very little money and shopping for new clothes did not happen very often. My sister was skilled with the sewing machine and reading patterns and she sewed me new outfits every now and then. A new top, a new dress made me feel special and I would be on top of the world. Her quiet love came through.
My brother, a master carpenter, made me 6 ½ ft. x 5 ½ ft. bookshelves for my 16th birthday present. He built four drawers at the bottom. It was beautiful to me and I loved it. This went into my bedroom at the time to hold all my teenage treasures. His quiet love came through.
As I ponder on this, another powerful quiet love comes to my mind…Jesus love. When Jesus was being tortured and mocked, how did He respond? With quiet love. When the people sneered at him, spit at him and made fun of Him for saying He was the Son of God, how did He respond? With quiet love. When they drove the nails into His hands and feet and hung Him up on the cross, how did He respond? With quiet love.
Imagine the noise coming from the crowds accusing Him, demanding He be crucified. Imagine the noise coming from the ones administering the torture, and the crowds growing louder and louder. What did Jesus do? He remained quiet. Why? Because He was doing the Fathers will. Why? Because He loved the Father and He loved you and me so much that there were no more words for Him to speak. He spoke the loudest with no words through His blood being spilt, carrying that heavy, wooden cross, and hanging on that cross suffering physically until God received His spirit.
His quiet love was so powerful that it touched one of thieves to his side and made this thief realize that Jesus was who He said He was and the thief wanted to be remembered by Him.
Such powerful, amazing love came through the quietness of this man, Jesus, through the most brutal of events towards Him.
I can’t leave the story here though. You know how it ends. He was raised three days later. Was there a parade? Was there fanfare? No…just a quiet entrance back into the presence of His disciples, and then 40 days later, a quiet ascension back to Heaven. There is something to be said for quiet. It’s in the quiet that we hear our Saviors voice the loudest. In our quiet times, let Him hear our voice telling Him how much we love Him, and then when we are out in the noise of the world, show Him our love by our actions, however quiet they may be.
My Lord shows His quiet love every single minute of every single day. He is always there by my side helping me through every moment, blessing me every which way, guiding me to see all the gifts He is giving. My bookshelves from my brother now proudly sit in my dining room, holding books written by ones who love the Lord, and with loved ones pictures in their frames. I feel my brothers love through this masterfully crafted piece. My sister shows her quiet love now through the many prayers she offers up for me and my family. My siblings live over 700 miles away from me now, but every once in awhile, they call me to see how I’m doing. The quiet love flows through the telephone lines and makes me smile. I think they are smiling too…in their own quiet way.

May you all be blessed as you ponder this week about the death, buriel and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.

sshhhh. . .do you hear His quiet love?

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Denise said...

You bless.

Thoughts for the day said...

Oh a quiet love is the most precious, it is not loud, or intruding or distateful or rude, it is quiet, peaceful and inviting... our hearts are waiting for his quiet love to return with all power and glory and truth.

Shari said...

Thank you for stopping by Leaving A Legacy today. I loved reading your story. You have a beautiful way of gently guiding people on the journey that you want to take them on. I am a quiet person as well. I had never thought of showing love in quiet ways before. Thank you for opening my eyes. Have a wonderful week!

Lisa Maria said...

What a sweet tribute to your siblings and quiet love. Beautiful concept Kris... I love my quiet time with Him. Sometimes it seems like the noise of life drowns out the quiet voice of God's love, but we know He is always there. Hope you have a blessed Holy Week.

Love & Hugs

lynnmosher said...

So sweet and touching, Kristin! Wonderful post! Bless you!

Alicia said...

Oh, the "quiet love".. my favorite kind. And that's one of the things that draws me most to Jesus. Thanks for this beautiful post. And for stopping by the Overflow to day. I'm so glad to meet you. Love your heart. And your encouragement. Blessings to you.

Unknown said...

I love this, Kris. I think He is stirring something up about His silence. This is what stuck out to me on Palm Sunday during the Passion reading. Jean Wise at Healthy Spirituality noticed it, too.

I'll be basking in His quiet love today.

Jean Wise said...

What a lovely post - tying together your family love and God's love. coming over from Jen's meme and glad I found your blog.