The temperatures have been colder this week than I have ever experienced. Highs of 5 with wind chills at night up to -40 degrees. Did you see that minus sign!? That baby, is cold!!! My heater cannot keep up. The thermostat has been set on 68 but the inside temperature will not get above 55. I paid $85 for a heat man to come to my house to tell me my heater and heat pump are all working fine. Nothing wrong with it. The unit is just too small to keep up with these frigid temperatures. He said when the temps start to rise again, the unit will work well again. Something about that just doesn't seem right. I started to ponder. . .
Why doesn't a builder install a heating unit to keep up with the cold weather?
Why would a heater not work well when it's really cold? Is that not what they're made for?
Why do they charge you to tell you nothing is wrong? I would pay for their gas, but that would not be $85!
and then I just kept on pondering. . .
If it's 0 degrees today and it's twice as cold tomorrow, how cold will it be?
If they can invent seat warmers for cars, why can't they invent a seat warmer for the porcelain throne?
Do outside pets become inside pets? And if not, are they angry at their owners?
How do those little birds and creatures of the ground not freeze to death?
The birds have been in my yard for days, all day long during these frigid temps, eating something from the ground. What is it? Maybe frozen worms?
It fascinates me to see how boiling water thrown into the frigid air turns into steam with no water hitting the ground. It doesn't take much to humor me folks.
Why do we complain about the cold, we who have homes and comfy beds and plenty of covers and for some, even a fireplace.
Some of our homeless friends slept out all night in this weather. One man slept in a park bathroom. None of them ever complain. The bathroom resident said it was 32 degrees in there and he was quite comfortable. They all smile, are mannerly, and again, never complain, at least to my ears.
How do they keep their attitudes up and keep their humor with no complaints and we can at times grumble about the weather from our 55 degree and up homes. My porcelain seat may be cold but not like the one in the park! I have a comfy bed with plenty of covers. They sleep under bridges, in the woods and in park bathrooms leaning against a wall. We help our neighbors because that's what we do. But I think THEY have also helped ME. Over the 5 years I have been out in the homeless community, I have seen survivors who make the best of their days. And for most of them, they do it with a smile and a gracious spirit.
It keeps me on my toes to think how often am I sporting a gracious spirit. Am I complaining about anything when I really have no need to? Am I smiling as I sit on that cold seat? Am I grateful for that cold seat?
And that is what I have pondered about today. I also continue to pray for my friends and praise the One who watches over me and watches over my friends outdoors.
Baby it's cold outside! Let's rejoice!
~Just a quick note here~
I decided to google before I published this post and guess what I found?
There really are seat warmers for that porcelain throne! It even comes with a remote control! With multiple heat settings!
Who knew?
In case you're interested, it's called the Toastie Tush and it's yours for only
~I do not get paid for this announcement~
I loved your blog but laughed OUT LOUD and even hooted a little reading about the Toastie Tush and your disclaimer! I was pretty sure someone had that need covered already. For $46, maybe I'll buy you one for your next birthday!
Even my brand-new unit is running nonstop and one of my dogs refuses to come in/stay in the garage. That would be Myshka, the husky/collie mix. She is happy as can be. However, the black lab Bella is very happy to be inside. I wake up during the night praying for the homeless and those having to work/travel/serve in these frigid temps. And, even though these are not our normal winter temps, the mid-west and north have it so much worse. Thankful for you, my friend. You warm my heart!
Our heater quit and after four days the part we needed arrived. we turn our blanket on at night just to warm the bed and then let the covers keep us warm. We are so blessed and it is amazing that your homeless friends can smile and not complain. Oh yes, years ago, with a bath rug set, there was a cover for the seat that slipped on and was held by elastic. It was great in the cold winter. I doubt if they make them anymore. The one you mention sounds interesting.
It's all about perspective and your friends that live outside help you with yours. We should all be so proper in our perspective.
Heat pumps are made for the desert. They don't make heat, they actually expel cold air from within via a reversing valve that makes it do the exact opposite from summer. They do make preheaters that can be placed in your ductwork, they're expense to run due to the fact that they're really not much more than a strip heater, but ask your AC guy about them... Crying shame you have gas and someone didn't use a furnace for heat, no additional cost for the unit just the cost to vent it and pipe gas to it...
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