
Why a blog from me, someone who has never been a writer, someone who has never been articulate or had a solid grasp of the grammar world. Because God told me to write. Several years ago a life storm invaded my family. God kept telling me to write it all down. I argued, but He would not let up. This went on every day for a couple of weeks until one day out of frustration, (I'd like to say it was out of obedience), I picked up a pen and paper and wrote for 7 hours straight! Do you think maybe I needed therapy and God knew it?

I've been writing ever since and have learned to love it! I started out sharing my stories with friends and family. I've now been published in a Nashville church paper, Our Daily Journey (a devotional site of RBC Ministries), PCCWeb Daily Devotional, Ruby for Women Ezine Magazine, and I am a contributor in the book Alabaster Jars, Life in Abundance Collection 2.

Why Ponderings? During this life storm, God led me to a pond in the woods behind my home. There He met me each time, teaching new lessons, reminding me of old ones, showing His presence and allowing me to feel His love through the surroundings of that pond. I found myself returning over and over to ponder, pray and praise. A healing of my heart took place and out of the experience came my first book, Ponderings From the Pond, then a second book, Ponderings From My Porch, and now a third book is in the works along with a memoir about my storm.

Why am I making myself so vulnerable? Because God has done so much that I cannot keep quiet. I have to share. Jesus's last words to his desciples were, "Go,tell." We are his disciples too and this is just one of my ways of telling.

I'm no scholar but I have heard God's voice in my spirit, experience His love daily, and have a desire for others to experience this also. I would love to share with all who visit and I would love to hear from you. If my sharing gets just one to ponder, to be quiet with the Father, to see and hear from Him or to be reminded of something from Him, then this is worth my vulnerability.

As you visit me, sometimes we will be at the pond, sometimes we will move to the front porch, and sometimes we will just be here, there, and yonder. Thank you for coming and please feel free to come back anytime, you are always welcome here.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14


My first book, Ya Know What I'm Say'n, has been released.



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Truth About. . .

. . . being the mother of a prodigal. . .

You won't be able to sleep.
You will cry. . .a lot!
You may get sick.
You'll question yourself.
You may question God.
When people hear, you'll get looks you don't like.
There will be times you'll feel like you can't breathe.
You may hyperventilate.
You may throw up in a fire pit.
You may curl up in a fetal position on your sofa and retreat from the world.
You feel the dreams have died.
You may want people to stay away.
You may want people to listen.

BUT. . .

When you decide to give your child completely over to God and trust Him with the situation, I mean REALLY trust Him. . .

You begin to sleep again.
You stop crying.
You become well.
You realize they made a choice with their free will and you were/are a good parent.
You remember God's promises and you cling to those.
You don't care about the 'looks' anymore.
You begin to breathe again.
You enjoy your fire pit again.
You get off that couch and enter the world again.
God gives you new dreams.
You want to be around people again.
You begin to want to listen to others.

Does this mean there will not be bad days ever again?  No.  There will be days here and there where sadness creeps in and tears are right behind the eyelids and you feel the flutter in your breathing. . .and that is when you whisper in your soul. . .I need You Jesus. . .and the peace that passes all understanding starts to flow in and the miracle happens. . .You stand up once again, breathe in a regular pattern and feel the joy and hope once again.  You enter into His service and you continue to move forward and serve and love those He puts in your path.

You never forget, and yes, you wait in your heart, you wait on the Lord but you move. . . you continue to live.  You continue to bring Him glory and you leave the outcome up to Him.

While the robe, the sandles, the ring are always on standby. . .the light is always on. . .the arms are ready. . .

you kneel in prayer and then you stand and walk on. . .holding His Righteous Right Hand, you live your life for Him, Jesus, the Son of God. . .you continue to move forward, walking on with hope in your heart, knowing you're never alone.

Do you need to stand and walk forward? Grab His hand and go. . .you can do it. . .you are not alone.
And that's the truth!
Enjoy one of my favorite songs I've been playing on the piano since I was a little girl. . .may the words speak to your heart as they do mine.


Beth Zimmerman said...

Love you, Kris! Hugs!

Shakin' the Foundation said...

(((hugs))) to you mt sweet friend!!


Floyd said...

God has an eye on him. I was a prodigal and I'm still a bit rough around the edges, but God is in the miracle business, as you know, and He calls it redemption.

I thought you were off line. My subscriptions quit showing up?

Also was thinking about you. I wrote a post about doing what you do. I wrote it back around Christmas and it dawned on me that you were part of the reason we did what we did. You don't need to comment, but I did want to share it with you and thank you. God bless. Praying for you and your family.

Denise said...

Sending you love, hugs, and prayers.