As I see the packing boxes in my garage waiting to be filled with Christmas, it’s always a little sad. So last year I kept one of the golden ornaments out and kept it hanging in my entry way all year. It will stay there from now on. Even though the Christmas holiday will be coming to an end, the Christmas spirit can go on forever and the glistening of this ornament is just a symbol. Again, don’t get me wrong, I never need a reminder of my Lord, He is with me always, but when those hot, humid months roll around, the feeling of Christmas, good tidings, good cheer, the giving spirit that we feel in December, sometimes, somehow gets lost by June.
I must not be the only one with these thoughts because of the quotes I found. Here are just a few. . .
“I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.” Charles Dickens
“Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” Calvin Coolidge
“Keep your Christmas heart open all the year round.” Jessica Archmint
“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” Charles Dickens.
Christmas is not just a time on the calendar, but is the baby in the manger who came to save mankind. Peace and joy is not just for December but for always if we accept the one who came to offer it. As I think about the coming New Year, I look at the golden ornament with the light flickering from it and know the true light of Christmas is within me, so I look forward with anticipation and eagerness to start it, knowing that Christmas is with me always. Let’s not say farewell to good tidings, Christmas cheer, a giving spirit, peace and joy. That can be with us for 12 months, year after year.
I have seen people I know along with strangers come together in love and compassion to help the less fortunate this Christmas season. My heart leapt for joy every time I saw a new donation for the homeless and needy children. That is truly a gift; a compassion flowing forth to those who need help, need love spread all over them, need the touch of Christ from another fellow human being. May this keep going on month after month. And if I ever start to forget, may the Lord use the sparkle of light from my golden ornament to remind me of Christmas, Christ in the every day, of giving, spreading good cheer, feeling joy that only comes from Him, and peace that passes all understanding; reaching out and loving the lovables and the unlovables.
May you all have a bright and shining New Year. And don’t be surprised if you hear me say “Merry Christmas” in June.