
Why a blog from me, someone who has never been a writer, someone who has never been articulate or had a solid grasp of the grammar world. Because God told me to write. Several years ago a life storm invaded my family. God kept telling me to write it all down. I argued, but He would not let up. This went on every day for a couple of weeks until one day out of frustration, (I'd like to say it was out of obedience), I picked up a pen and paper and wrote for 7 hours straight! Do you think maybe I needed therapy and God knew it?

I've been writing ever since and have learned to love it! I started out sharing my stories with friends and family. I've now been published in a Nashville church paper, Our Daily Journey (a devotional site of RBC Ministries), PCCWeb Daily Devotional, Ruby for Women Ezine Magazine, and I am a contributor in the book Alabaster Jars, Life in Abundance Collection 2.

Why Ponderings? During this life storm, God led me to a pond in the woods behind my home. There He met me each time, teaching new lessons, reminding me of old ones, showing His presence and allowing me to feel His love through the surroundings of that pond. I found myself returning over and over to ponder, pray and praise. A healing of my heart took place and out of the experience came my first book, Ponderings From the Pond, then a second book, Ponderings From My Porch, and now a third book is in the works along with a memoir about my storm.

Why am I making myself so vulnerable? Because God has done so much that I cannot keep quiet. I have to share. Jesus's last words to his desciples were, "Go,tell." We are his disciples too and this is just one of my ways of telling.

I'm no scholar but I have heard God's voice in my spirit, experience His love daily, and have a desire for others to experience this also. I would love to share with all who visit and I would love to hear from you. If my sharing gets just one to ponder, to be quiet with the Father, to see and hear from Him or to be reminded of something from Him, then this is worth my vulnerability.

As you visit me, sometimes we will be at the pond, sometimes we will move to the front porch, and sometimes we will just be here, there, and yonder. Thank you for coming and please feel free to come back anytime, you are always welcome here.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14


My first book, Ya Know What I'm Say'n, has been released.



Monday, October 27, 2014

Christian Guy or Man of God?

I wish I had written this, but I didn't. I saw it one evening on facebook and thought it was too good not to share.  This is for all you parents who have young daughters. . .I believe it was written for them.  But this is also for all the young men out there too, so don't forget your sons. 

Christian guy or Man of God?

Let's get this straight. There is a BIG difference between a Christian guy and a Man of God. The Christian guy might say that he l
oves you; but a Man of God will love God more than you.

 A Christian guy might text you Bible verses or have a tattoo of them; but a Man of god will live out those verses and have them written on his heart.

 A Christian guy might go to church; but a Man of God will see that his highest calling is to give Christ glory.

A Christian guy might "accidentally" compromise your virtue or purity; but a Man of God will protect it above all else.

 A Christian guy might be super attractive, fun, or handsome; but a Man of God will have a beautiful heart, regardless of his looks.

A Christian guy might be content to take you out, but a Man of God will go beyond the superficial and hold you up before God in his prayers continually.

So don't settle for just a Christian guy but for a Man of God. And long to be the kind of woman of God who will attract a man like that.

 I have found that a lot of people will say they are Christians but not really know what that means or entails. But one will not say they are a man of God or Woman of God without meaning it.
Let's pray the young gals and guys will turn to the Lord seeking guidance when it comes to staying pure. . .when it comes to choosing their spouse. May they allow God to lead them to their best, His best for them.
Let us pray for them all!
I appeal to you therefore, brothers,(and sisters) by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:1-2

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Grace in the Mess

Grace in the Mess


 "I'm not helping good people or bad people. I'm just helping human beings."  anonoymous

There was once a group of people who wanted to help by giving men under the bridge winter clothes and other such stuff.  But when they heard some were drinking and the older one chose to stay there, they pulled their things back and didn't want to help. . .and they didn't.

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them." Mother Teresa


My insides cringed at this.  Do we only help and share the love of Christ with only those who have their "act together".  How many of those are out there even in the church?  Do we only help and love those who have all their issues fixed and addictions cured and sins forgiven.  Are not these the ones who need it most?


"By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just entitiled to as we are."  Bonhoeffer


I am friends with a registered sex offender. . .a one time felony long ago that he paid for and repented of.  When I met him he was newly homeless and scared and didn't want to tell me for awhile.  We talked for about an hour and then he shared his past.  I didn't react with horror.  I just asked questions and I listened.  I shared about the love of God and forgiveness.  He wasn't sure.  Over the next several months, God began dealing with him and brought a few others to him that began a bible study and then began taking him to church.  I continued to be his friend along with my husband.


Love me most when I deserve it least~Swedish proverb


Several March’s ago, my friend rededicated his life to the Lord and has been faithful ever since.  My husband and I could even see a change in his body language, his demeanor, his face. 


What if people had left the minute they knew about him.  Most of them do.  But the few who stayed, God worked through to reach our friend and now he and we know for sure the address of his permanent home.


Grace was shown on a cross on a hill.  Don't you know it was messy? Messy with blood and thorns and the ugliness and mess of sins of the whole world. But our Savior, our Jesus, our Christ, our Lord, stepped into the mess and poured out grace and love.  He didn't turn his back on me and I for one, have been changed. Have you? Are you grateful?  Enough to step into the mess? 

"Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work."
Mother Teresa

Dear Lord,

I pray for all who step into the messes whether that be in Africa, under the bridge, or in our own homes. All places are filled with people who need your love and encouragement.  Fill the steppers with strength and courage and love that looks past the mess and sees the beauty of your creation. May you give all these precious ones the discernment and wisdom to know the what, the where and the how and that we may not always know the why but we know the One who does. . . You, and that is enough. May we all just trust and obey and love and serve and leave the rest up to you.

Thank you Father for stepping into the messes.

Thank you for bringing beauty out of the messes.

Thank you for not leaving me in the mess.

In Jesus Name,



Guest Post from Deidra, Mom of the Bundle Up Club

I was going to write a post about the Bundle Up Club's visit here to Bowling Green, but then. . .I saw what the mother of the girls wrote on her blog and I thought. . .THIS is good!  THIS is what should be shared. SO. . .I'm sending you to her blog through the link below, because after you read this post, you will want to keep reading her as she is an excellent writer and I know you will love reading her as I do. . .SO, without further ado, Deidra Manning from the Middle. . .


Friday, October 17, 2014

The Bundle Up Club's Post

The Bundle Up Club has come and gone and my husband were so sad to see them go. They were all such a blessing and a delight. We felt the girls had become like grandchildren to us, although they are calling us Uncle Keith and Aunt Kris which is fine by us. We feel like they are family now.

I have not had time to sit and process it all in my own blog post but wanted to share what they have put up themselves. Please go to the link below to read their thoughts and see some of the pictures that were taken.

I will be back later with my own thoughts.

Enjoy. . .


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Two Introverts Walk Into. . .

Two introverts walk into cyberspace, one from Oklahoma and the other in Kentucky, both typing out their stories on the keyboards. They meet up in cyberspace and they take a likin' to one another and draw from each other's words. They begin to follow one another over the years. And then. . .

The Oklahoma introvert's two daughters decide they want to make blankets and hats and gloves for the homeless. Their mother tells them about this Kentucky introvert who runs a Blanket Ministry for the Homeless and volunteers at a Homeless Outreach at the bridge in her town. Before we all knew it, a 12 hour trip was planned for all those blankets, hats, and scarves (they made 100 each), to come down the highway to deliver the goods themselves.

In four days, the Oklahoma introvert will be driving up in the Kentucky introverts driveway and staying with her for four days. All will then be traveling the next day to the Christian Family Radio Station to be interviewed. . .talking into a microphone for all to hear!  Later that day we all head over to the newspaper building to be interviewed, to be in the paper for all to see. . .remember. . .introverts here!

What can I say? ONLY FROM GOD. Only from God could he bring two out of the billions in cyberspace to connect. Only from God could two precious 13 year old girls give up their summer to sew, sew, sew for others, for ones they will see only once, for ones who cannot give back, for ones who God loves and loves the girls and that love connects. . .even over 800 miles.

An introvert would only step up to a microphone with God. An introvert would only be shown in a newspaper with God. Only an introvert would step into a ministry that does not fit her profile at all! But. . .it all fits God's. And when we love God, we want to be obedient, we want to love what He loves, even if it means stepping out the door of our comfort zone. Because we learn, with God, there's a great big world out there, there are the hurting and down and out there. With God, we hurt for what hurts God. And we learn to recognize His Hand when He holds it out and says, Come! And so, only with God, do the introverts step out and only with God do we experience the peace, the joy, and the love that is only from Him. Only from God, do we grow outside of our comfort zones. Only from God does love travel the highways to share bigger than the world without Him.

And so, when that strange car drives up the driveway and the two introverts meet, I have a feeling we will not feel like strangers, because we have a common love. . .Jesus. And together we will take that love out to the bridge and around town and love will be spread and love will grow because it's not us. . .it's Him, Jesus.

Stay tuned for more. . .

Friday, October 3, 2014

Glamour Shots and a Beauty Lesson

My husband and I are celebrating our 33 wedding anniversary pretty soon and I wanted to give him a nice gift.  He doesn't have many nice pictures of me so I decided to do a photo shoot for him and give him some real glamour shots he could be proud of.  Thought I would share them with you and you tell me if I look glamorous.  Do ya think he'll be real proud of me?

Kentucky glamour
like this?

that man o mine loves a woman with a gun

I shoot real good if it's close and not movin'

takin' a rest before them chores

wanna join me honey? 

got me a new pair of shoes for this here photo shoot
are we havin' fun?

love me some good ol Kentucky recipes
this one here is chocolate. . .chocolate makes me smile real big!

uh oh, this one says here rum cake
I don't think we should be eatin' no rum cake with church'n right around the corner
nice of the birds to leave so I could get my socks clean

whew, a woman's work is never done

plum tuckered out

but I'm blessed to have feet running around my house to clean after

off to the wood pile

that man o mine loves a woman with an ax too
we'll be warm tonight honey
don't worry honey, I'm ok

ooh, a loose hair

mirror, mirror, who's the fairest of them all ?
it says I'm doin' ok

hon, the wood's all cut
this one's for you babe
this one's a little tricky with ol' arthur in the hip

neighbors ol' hound dog stinks to high heaven!  she's done rolled in something stinky and dead.  Bella, I love ya but go take a bath!

Well hon, Happy early Anniversary.  Hope you like these here glamour shots.  In another 33 years, I'll do it again.
Love you to the moon and back!
Hey reader. . .one of my favorite writers is this man here named Max Lucado. . .he has some words for us on beauty. . .take a lookie. . .
"The beatitudes reveal some of God’s standards of beauty. An awareness of one’s spiritual poverty, sorrow for wickedness, hunger and thirst for righteousness, mercy, purity of heart, and being a peacemaker are all qualities of beauty. The epistles also stress attributes valued by God: keeping a living faith while enduring physical hardships, controlling the tongue, enduring personal harm to protect the church’s influence, making sacrifices for the good of others, and living by Christian convictions in the face of ridicule. All these are beautiful to God.

However, just as a beautiful appearance can become ugly through neglect, a beautiful life of righteousness can become ugly through neglect. Spiritual beauty must never be taken for granted or be neglected. We must remember that just as it is possible to be one of society’s most impressive people and be ugly in the eyes of God, it is also possible to be an unknown in society and to be radiantly beautiful in His eyes."

That Max sure knows what he's talking about.  As much as I want to look good for that man o mine, I want even more to be radiantly beautiful in the eyes of my Lord and Savior. May we never neglect to look into the spiritual mirror for how were lookin'.  The real glamour is if people look at us and see the beauty of the Lord shining from within.  That kind of glamour don't need no make-up, new doo, or new shoes.  Just beautiful love, grace, and mercy. That's a real glamour shot! May we never neglect this or take it for granted.
God bless you all, you beautiful women! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Ebony and Ivory

(I wrote this post three years ago. I still have dreams of Ms. Anna. One last night in fact, and so I repost in honor of her memory)

I’ve often wondered why God placed my family in Kentucky years ago.  So many things have happened since then it’s difficult to put it all into perspective.  The stories we’ve shared, the adventures we’ve experienced have all combined to create a tapestry of life unique to this new home.  I suppose I’ve always possessed a heart for the plight of others and since moving to Kentucky I feel God has challenged me to step away from my zone of comfort and explore new avenues of expression and connection.

 Years ago I became involved in a ‘Lunch/Hospital Ministry’ with others from my church. Once a week the sack lunches are handed out to family members who are waiting for loved ones in the intensive care areas of the local hospitals.  That simple act of kindness has generated some amazing connections to the lives of ordinary people facing trying circumstances.

 It was during those times I met Miss Anna, a 90 year old cleaning lady who worked at one of the hospitals.  God brought this lady in her beautiful ebony skin into my life along side my ivory skin to blend us together into what I hope in time became beautiful music to God’s ears.  I know it was to mine.


Miss Anna touched my life in so many ways with her understated wit and accepting charms.


If you look at our picture, you will see that Ms. Anna and I are like the keys on the piano board…ebony and ivory, sitting side by side, working together in perfect harmony.  Ms. Anna and I shared so much together, especially in these last several months after she went through the loss of her leg. 


Over the months after her amputation, we shared time, smiles, food, stories, grief, laughter, and love.  The beauty of our friendship created music within my heart, giving me much joy.  But there was also beauty in the quiet moments.  It was out of the willingness to sit in the quiet, that our most beautiful conversations were born.  I learned to accept the quiet that so many find uncomfortable for I saw that love was working in the quiet.  Ms. Anna was not a big talker, but by letting the quiet moments happen, it gave her time to think, and eventually love poured out of her towards me like a beautiful song.


Ms. Anna was a real soldier.  To look at her tiny frame, you wouldn’t picture her that way.  Over time I began to ask her questions about her life and she slowly and in little pieces shared with me.  During an era of racial backwardness, she worked hard to help make a living for her family and continued to work up to the age of 90. She never once complained, had a heart of gold, and had much strength in that fragile looking body.  She loved the Lord and that is where she gained her strength. 


She had a harmony about her that few may ever find in their own lives.  A harmony like the blending of beautiful music…like a piano with its ebony and ivory notes.  Love, like music is a universal language ALL understand…hhmmm, pondering…


A few months ago Miss Anna went to the doctor to look at a growth on her foot.  It wasn’t good and no amount of treatment would cure it.  Reluctantly, she agreed with the doctors to have her leg amputated…fully expecting to return to work as soon as she could get up and about.  Initially her spirits remained high and when I would visit her in the hospital she would light up, but over time her spirit began to fade.


Eventually they moved her to a nursing home and even though I visited her every week, I could tell her spirit was declining even more. When she was told she would never be able to go back to work, she lost her will to go on. This week, the Lord brought her home.


I’ve known Ms. Anna for almost 7 years but it wasn’t until this last year  she gave me a nickname.  I was so tickled the first time she called me Baby Doll. . .it was also the first time she said she loved me.  A nurse at the nursing home asked one day while I was there how Ms. Anna and I met.  Ms. Anna piped right up saying that we had fallen in love with each other years ago at the hospital. I am so blessed that we could hold hands, eat together, share our stories, pray together to the same God who created us both and loves us both, sacrificed for both of us, and has prepared a home for both of us with Him. Maybe we can sit on each others porches.  Or, she could skip to a pond with me if there is one.


I can’t help but be saddened at thinking of all the past dissention between ebonies and ivories.  Many never learned how to blend together to live in harmony.  Many beautiful moments were lost, or never happened because one could not see the beauty of the other. It saddens me today to see there is still much friction where there could be music. I hope others who are in this category right now can learn and not lose out on their own beautiful songs God may have for them.


I love old hymns, and there is an old negro spiritual that I found recently that I believe puts our relationship into perspective.


In Christ There Is No East or West


In Christ there is no east or west, in Him no South or North; but one great fellowship of love through-out the whole side earth.


In Him shall true hearts everywhere their high communion find; His service is the golden cord, close binding all mankind.


Join hands, then, brothers of the faith( and sisters too) what-e’er your race may be; who serves my Father as a son is surely kin to me.


In Christ now meet both east and west, In Him meet south and north; all Christly souls are one in Him, through-out the whole wide earth.  Amen.


Ms. Anna, Our souls are one in Him. . .You were a beautiful song!

We will meet again. . .I love you

Your Baby Doll

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sweet Little Toes

* Being out in the homeless community for over 5 years now with my Blanket Ministry and volunteering in a Homeless Outreach at the bridge in town, I have many images in my mind when I lay down at night to go to sleep. Lately, this image has been in my mind and so I wonder and pray for sweet little toes. . . . .
Sweet little toes
Oh where do you go
Do you have a roof over your head
Will you have heat this winter
Do you have a bed
Sweet little toes
I pray for you
Is it stars or is it tiles, the roof overhead
I pray for heat in the winter and covers for your bed
May you learn to walk with the Savior one day
but for now, please, know how to play
and to be a kid with laughter and glee
For one day you'll grow up and more you will see
I pray by then you are strong with Jesus
and His Hand you will always hold
May you abide in Him, may your heart be warm
and never turn cold
One little piggy went to market
One little piggy stayed home
One little piggy had roast beef
One little piggy had none
And the little one cried wee, wee, wee, wee, all the way home.
Oh sweet little toes
may your tummy never know hunger, may you never roam
may you be one with the Savior
With Him, you'll always have home.
but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14