Once upon a time, in a land far away, a family lived in a house where they grew and learned and loved. . .cried and laughed and worked and played. So much love was in this home for one another and for the One they called their Savior. It was thought that they would live happily ever after.
But one day they had to pull up their roots and move away to what was another far off land, where everyone was a stranger. It wasn't long though that they were led to people, some good for them, some not.
In the days ahead, the evil one began to throw his darts and what was thought of as inpenetrable, was not. What was once shining like the sun, became darkened by an eclipse of one that had not been seen so up close before. It was hideous. It saddened this home and brought sickness that seemed so unbearable at the time. It was so dark.
But this One called Savior had never left. He was always there and three turned to Him and behold, healing came and the light shined once more but there was a pocket of darkness that just would not go away. The eclipse had not totally left. It seemed to follow one.
The three, because of this Savior of theirs, learned to go on and discovered that their joy was always there, despite the eclipse. It had been shadowed over but was there and with time, the shadows left and the joy rediscovered in the light.
They wait for the total eclipse to completely go away and for the light to shine completely once again in the one that is so loved. It will for they saw the light at one time in this one and knows that it is still there. . .it's just behind the darkness. It seems to hang on by claws. It keeps the one away from the others. They pray for it to be removed and know that it will in time.
They feel at times they have learned to be patient, but love is so powerful and when it is threatened, it always leaves a pocket of pain. Sometimes this pocket leaks and falls out from the corner of the eyes of ones left behind. But the Savior bottles these tears and gives comfort and strength and they go one with their lives. . .but there is always that sliver of eclipse in the background that is never forgotten.
Knees bend and heads bow and peace comes.
The Savior will bring peace to the other and remove the eclipse totally and when that happens, all will be well and the happily ever after will finally come.
The end. . .not yet!
Let the light of your face shine upon (him), O LORD.
Psalm 4:6