to our dirty front porch. I thought it was time to remove all furniture and
put out into the yard so. . .
the hose could come out and. . .
my younger son could enjoy this simple Saturday washing
off the dirt and grime from the past year.
He thinks I'm crazy for following him around with the camera, so I came inside to capture him:)
But it was just too nice this day. I had to go back outside. He tried not to smile for me. . .
but he had a hard time concealing it. . .
His momma is just too goofy. . .
I decided to give him some space. . .
so went back inside :)
The house is clean. Notice how clean the windows are? I did that.
Now that the porch is presentable. . .
linking with Jenn over at
find your way over here for more Simply Saturday fun :)
Your porch looks amazing and what a fine young man you have to help you. I love it now that my older boys are older and can help more. Deadheading my flowers always hurt my back so much. This year I taught my ten-year old how to do it. For two bucks, I got all my flowers ready for spring! I don't have to mow the lawn anymore either.
Kristin.. how proud you must be of such a handsome, strong son. I've been blessed with girls alone and often wish I had such a big, strong son. (Not that I don't adore girls.. my husband is one hen-pecked man with 5 ladies to rule him!)
Have a great weekend.. it must be great to sit out on that porch with your coffee or a glass of wine and your darling hubby.
Love & Blessings
You are definitely blessed to have such a beautiful front porch and such a helpful son! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Love it!! I miss sitting on that porch visiting with you!! I'm going to get back out there one of these days!! Maybe this summer! I miss YOU!
Thank you girls. I do have a fine young son there! And I do love sitting out there with the hubby sipping tea. And any of you are welcome to come here and sit on my porch, that would be SO loverly! :)
Won't Christopher make such a good husband! Someday his wife will thank you for training him so well!
What a blessing it is for you to have a son to help clean your porch! He's even more of a treasure because he didn't complain when his "goofy mom" kept taking pictures of him. Little does he know that you did this because you are so proud of his hard work (or maybe he does know :).
At any rate, your front porch looks fabulous now! It looks like a very pleasant place to sit and relax in order to enjoy the outdoors. :)
Have a blessed day!
Good-hearted boy! Want to rent him out?!?!
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