
Why a blog from me, someone who has never been a writer, someone who has never been articulate or had a solid grasp of the grammar world. Because God told me to write. Several years ago a life storm invaded my family. God kept telling me to write it all down. I argued, but He would not let up. This went on every day for a couple of weeks until one day out of frustration, (I'd like to say it was out of obedience), I picked up a pen and paper and wrote for 7 hours straight! Do you think maybe I needed therapy and God knew it?

I've been writing ever since and have learned to love it! I started out sharing my stories with friends and family. I've now been published in a Nashville church paper, Our Daily Journey (a devotional site of RBC Ministries), PCCWeb Daily Devotional, Ruby for Women Ezine Magazine, and I am a contributor in the book Alabaster Jars, Life in Abundance Collection 2.

Why Ponderings? During this life storm, God led me to a pond in the woods behind my home. There He met me each time, teaching new lessons, reminding me of old ones, showing His presence and allowing me to feel His love through the surroundings of that pond. I found myself returning over and over to ponder, pray and praise. A healing of my heart took place and out of the experience came my first book, Ponderings From the Pond, then a second book, Ponderings From My Porch, and now a third book is in the works along with a memoir about my storm.

Why am I making myself so vulnerable? Because God has done so much that I cannot keep quiet. I have to share. Jesus's last words to his desciples were, "Go,tell." We are his disciples too and this is just one of my ways of telling.

I'm no scholar but I have heard God's voice in my spirit, experience His love daily, and have a desire for others to experience this also. I would love to share with all who visit and I would love to hear from you. If my sharing gets just one to ponder, to be quiet with the Father, to see and hear from Him or to be reminded of something from Him, then this is worth my vulnerability.

As you visit me, sometimes we will be at the pond, sometimes we will move to the front porch, and sometimes we will just be here, there, and yonder. Thank you for coming and please feel free to come back anytime, you are always welcome here.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14


My first book, Ya Know What I'm Say'n, has been released.



Friday, August 2, 2013

The Smell in the Air Conditioner

I was working away at my desk the other day when the air conditioner kicked on. It wasn't long before I noticed a musty smell drifting into my nostrils. It's funny what will take you back in time. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the chair. I was immediately taken back to the late 60's, early 70's when I was a little girl. I use to visit my grandparents on their farm for the summers. I loved being there in Yale, Oklahoma.

But I remember one day, my grandmother wanted to go visit a couple of her friends. My dad drove her out as my grandmother did not drive. They took me along.

I remember stepping into the little houses where the little old women lived and that musty old house smell lingered. I associated that smell with old women; women with grey buns at the back of their necks and bib aprons over their housedresses. I was polite as I sat on the sofa and listened to my grandmother visit away with her friends. I remember looking around and seeing old photographs on the wall and on their end tables; family pictures sitting on top of aged looking doilies. I can still feel the breeze in my mind from their open windows. No one back then had air conditioners. Farm folks always had their windows open during the summer. I can still hear the crickets making their music. I can still see my dad, although polite, fidgeting. He probably didn't want to be there any more than I did. I wanted to get back to my grandparents farm where I could run and play and get a Dr. Pepper bottle out the fridge.

Decades later, I now live in the country. I have old family photographs in my home. I even have old doilies, although most of them are inside a drawer. I have Dr. Pepper in my fridge, although it is not in the tall, glass bottles I remember that said 10, 2, and 4. My Dr. Pepper is in boring, plastic bottles or aluminum cans. And my air conditioner is giving off a musty smell.

I wonder when the neighbor kids come inside my home, if they look at me as the old woman who lives in a musty house.  (I hope the smell instead is all those cleaners I use. . .the scent of Windex, Comet, and 4-09!) I do not have a gray bun at the back of my neck and I don't wear housedresses. But that smell. . .I think I will go light my rose candle. . .after I daydream some more of the farm where I had some of my best memories, including seeing my bunned grandmother dressed up and with lipstick on. She only wore it when going out visiting. I miss her! 

I just might wait on that candle for another day and continue to take in the musty smell and remember. Maybe that's what those little ol' ladies were doing way back then, in their musty houses. . .remembering.

Are there any smells that take you back to childhood?


Brandee Shafer said...

My house smells EXACTLY like my grandma's: dusty and musty. Seriously. Like, my cousins hug me and say: "You smell like Grandma's house!" It's totally embarrassing. I think it's the wooden house thing, because my last house did not smell this way. Other smells that take me back to childhood: clothes/sheets off the line and rock candy.

Joy said...

Memories. ..there somuch to tell both good and bad, it is good to remember. Pickthe good and forget the back:)

Denise said...

Smells from mommas kitchen, such precious memories.

Susan said...

Smells are the greatest link to remembering. Walking among tomato plants instantly takes me to my Grandma's garden. My grandkids smell Chloe perfume and say,"that smells like Mimz." I love smells and my nose always "knows"!!! Wrote an article on that a very long time ago, I think I'll go find it!

Unknown said...

Smell from the air conditioner? It's very interesting how a scent suddenly brings a sense of nostalgia. I never had this moment, but I'm sure it will be a sweet experience just like what you had. I hope your AC unit will always be in good condition to remind you of those years you had with your loved ones.

Launce @ Harris Aire Serv

Kristin Bridgman said...

So many memories, and through the nose, who knew? God does!

Thanks for coming by Launce, please come back to visit the pond. . .and may your AC always be in good condition;)

Unknown said...

What an interesting experience you shared, Kristin! If you ask me, I've had my fair share of nostalgia from breezes I have smelled before. I agree with Launce with wishing you all the best regarding your AC unit. Just remember to regularly check it to avoid your unit from acting up so the memories anchored with it will last the same.

Terry Williams @ Need Action Fast

Kristin Bridgman said...

I will do just that Terry. Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment. May your days be filled with many good memories. And take the time to make new ones.

Janey Watkins said...

Awww! What a moving post! Who knew one could get such nostalgia from a smell coming from the AC! Speaking of which, any sort of smell coming from the AC isn't necessarily a good thing, unless it's an air-freshener that's been put there, haha! If it wasn't an air freshener, I hope someone had that AC checked out!

Unknown said...

Nice sharing Heating and cooling Toronto